Monday, October 26, 2009

Steve Phillips my hat is off to you

Just the other day I posted this article

Then today this comes out and justifies exactly that which was said! Steve Phillips, successful and well-known ESPN columnist and commentator, FIRED for sleeping with another ESPN employee. Not only was he let go, but she was as well. Below is a picture if the two together (cute couple...yikes)

At first look, I figured this was just his prepubescent teenage son, but later found out that this was actually Brooke Hundley, the woman with which he cheated on his wife.
Not only did Steve sleep with a fellow employee, and one that by all measures could double as the Pillsbury Doughboy, but he got involved with one who then took up stalking him. Not only did she hit up his son on Facebook, but then showed up in his driveway and scared the piss out of his wife. Here is the 911 call she made...
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I don't ever reccommend cheating on your significant other, but if you are so inclined, make sure that they have a tight muzzle on, especially for all you public figures. Hopefully this serves as a learning experience to all you out there thinking of exploring this option (ya, I am looking at you Olbermann)

So hats off to Steve Phillips! Lost his job, his reputation, his integrity, possibly his wife, a whole buttload of money (especially as there are now more rumors of women within ESPN that he slept with) and is now heading to some sort of "sexual rehab" center. But the silver lining in the whole story, is that his intentions were good and it was a sweet piece of ass...



  1. So, Fan#1, would it have been okay/justifiable if this girl had been attractive? It's really annoying that her appearance is even mentioned. What does that have to do with his unacceptable behavior? He sounds like a real stand-up kind of guy - NOT! Seems to me his wife got a lucky break; now she can leave, take half of everything (which she has most definitely earned!), and not have to worry about contracting some fatal STD.

    What a putz!

  2. Damn, I really liked Steve Phillips, but what a scum bag. Doesn't matter if this girl was hot or not, you shouldn't be cheating on your wife. What an asshole. He'll probably come out with a public statement, and say he has a problem, and blah blah blah. It pisses me off that the media will glorify these public figures for how they "handle the situation" when they get caught cheating. They own up to it, they say they made a mistake, and everyone forgives. Fuck that, just like Pitino, Phillips is a piece of shit for what he's done to his family, and I do hope his wife leaves him and takes her fair share, and sets an example to all the other guys doing this so they know it's wrong even if you don't get caught.
