Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Beauty of Baseball

I was sitting at work today thinking about how I would have loved to see the Dodgers beat the Phillies, and analyzing all the things they could have done differently to do so. I find myself analyzing sports at work a lot, but that is beside the point.

Thinking about the World Series, I got in a somewhat of a philosophical mood, and below is a bi-product of that...so enjoy

The Yankees are going for their 27th WS title, more, actually WAY more, than any other MLB team in history. The trade of Babe Ruth was the beginning of the Yankees dynasty, one that no one ever could have even guessed we be so great. They have been the most compelling team, perhaps in any sport over the past 100 years, and continue to dominate even today.

They are held to a standard that no other team can match, and success is commonplace. But never do they lose their love, passion and sheer childlike tenacity when it comes to playing baseball.

After recording that last out against the Angels in game 6, the highest paid team in sports, with multiple all-stars and future hall-of-famers, and perhaps the largest collective amount of endorsement deals in the world, celebrated like 26 twelve year old boys after finding their parents liquor cabinet. They most highly touted team in sports celebrated like nothing else in the world mattered, and it was simply an honor to watch.

Alex Rodriguez nearly had his entire career and reputation destroyed this season. More on and off the field distractions (including Kate Hudson, holy shit hot, in the stands), than any other athlete on that team, but when he was at bat he was locked in. He is having his best playoff of his career, because right now nothing else matters. And when that last out was recorded, he celebrated like he hadn't a care in the world.

This is the beautiful thing about baseball.

Even in its darkest of days, it is still, without a doubt, the purest of all sports in existence.

I am not a Yankee hater, solely for the reason that my idol and favorite player of all time is Lou Gehrig, but I also do not cheer for them. At this point in the season, if my team is not involved, I just look for a good series.

With baseball though, and especially the World Series, I know that I will always see two teams focused on nothing but the game. Not their vacation after or their payment-per-at-bat, but just winning. And when that last out is made and the fate for both teams sealed, I can count on seeing a true and sincere celebration. One of athletes that only care about one thing, being the best!

So to end I leave you with my favorite movie segment of all time. All you baseball fans should know it well...


  1. Every think what would be going on in baseball now if The Babe had never been traded?
