Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The new, not as good, but just as mouthy version of T.O.?

You gotta be fucking kidding me! Roy Williams, by far the biggest Dallas Cowboys bust in recent memory, is actually complaining about not getting catches???

Ok, let me take a breath here and try to figure this out. Dallas got rid of TO, possibly the greatest receiver to ever play for the Cowboys, because of his putrid attitude. I don't blame them in the least. He complained daily about his QB, about his opportunities, about his freaking tight end as well as 100 other things. He was a virus, but at least he was phenomenal! Sure he dropped a lot of balls, but he caught the majority and did amazing things when he did.

So Jerry decides to go out and pick up Roy Williams and dumps TO. Ballsy move, but he knows what he's doing. Right?

Now the 2009 season starts and Roy Williams has barely, in my opinion, don’t enough to even hold his starting spot. He is RARELY open, he RARELY gets double covered, and he RARELY even catches the ball. He has 14 catches on the season!

Romo is not the greatest QB in the league, but he has led them to a 5-2 record as well as thrown 12 TD's and nearly 2,000 yards on the season. Not numbers to be embarrassed about.

Enter Miles Austin. Easily the greatest surprise weapon for any team so far this year in the NFL. Austin has 6 TD catches this year (double what Williams has since coming to Dallas LAST YEAR!), and is finally the deep threat that makes the Cowboys a contender.

So what does Williams do? He starts complaining like the TO that worked in Dallas last season. He can't complain about the opportunities, so he complains that Romo just isn't making good throws to him. That they aren't on the same page, and reiterates that he is the #1 receiver. Sorry Williams, but you are #2 at best and if not careful, Crayton will be passing you as well.

The moral of the story, TO was let go for his attitude. Possibly the best wide receiver in the NFL was traded to another squad because he complained too much. Roy Williams has a pretty big ego to think that he is good enough to be able to talk to the same game, and NOT face the same fate.

Bite your tongue Roy, or you might find yourself on that free agency list sooner than you think!

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