Thursday, October 22, 2009

Top 5 worst college mascots...and the dumbest!

After seeing the video of the Minnesota mascot ridiculing the Penn State player that was praying in the end zone (you can see the video at the bottom of this article), I started thinking about the worst mascots in college sports. Not the stupidest, as Goldy just took those honors for the time being, but simply the worst mascots around.

So here are my top 5 worst mascots in college sports...

Number 5...The Fighting Atichokes - Scottsdale Community College
They don't actually have a physical version of their mascot, but this is their depiction of what one looks like.

Number 4...Sammy the Banana Slug - University of California Santa Cruz
According to wikipedia, the banana slug is the "genius" of all the slugs. So they got that going for them.

Number 3..."Blue Bob" - Xavier
Blue Bob is the spitting image of the Cookie Monster...the Cookie Monster with down syndrome.

Number 2... Gaylord the Camel - Campbell University
Gaylord the Camel...really??? Whoever came up with that name, well, shouldn't be naming mascots.

Number 1...The Stanford Tree - Stanford
I was trying to find a mascot that was worse, I really was. The Stanford Tree is most commonly named the worst mascot in every poll. But, honestly, IT"S A FUCKING TREE! It looks like it was made during arts and crafts time at a preschool. The Stanford Tree is our Number 1 worst mascot in college sports.

And in case you missed it, here is the video of Goldy and why he is currently holding the award for stupidest mascot in college sports!