Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rivera gets away with a spitter!

I mean I just don’t get it. This is pretty conclusive video footage that Rivera just spit on the baseball. Yet people are defending him, he is denying it, both saying he did nothing wrong. Perhaps they are watching a different video. Watch for yourself…

Now the thing I don’t get is why? This is the most dominant Yankee closer possibly ever to exist, and one of baseball history’s greatest as well. Why is Rivera now throwing spitballs?
The guy is getting old. You can see it in his graying hairs and wrinkles. The other night I commented how when he was on the mound he looked just plain bored, as if the opposing team should just concede when he comes in (which isn’t a bad idea, instead of the mercy rule, it could just be the Rivera Rule). He might be up there in age, but he is still the best, no need for the unfair advantage.

The commissioner, good old Bud, then came out saying they reviewed the footage and concluded that he did not spit on the ball? I mean, you don’t have to be a genius to see that he looked around, looked at the ball, looked around again, and then shot a fat loogie in the direction of the ball.

When asked about it, Rivera laughed at the accusation and offered to take all the reporters out for dinner if he actually did it. Well, it might be a little conceited of me to call myself a reporter, as I don’t really interview or report anything new. That being said, I do report on sports, and that being the case, I feel like Mariano at least owes me an appetizer and perhaps a cheap cocktail.


  1. Is it my imagination, or have baseball players become just about as sleazy as the NFL guys?

  2. Not surprising! Giambi, Pettitte, Clemens, ARod...Mariano is just the latest on the long list of Yankee cheaters.
