Monday, October 19, 2009

I wanna be like Mike

I am sure some of you have seen the picture on the left, depicting MJ at his best! I am sure some of you have also seen the second picture as well, MJ looking like a drunken frat boy after getting laid.

Now single, Michael has taken to the jet set lifestyle. Partying, drinking, strippers the whole nine. Since divorcing his wife, he has made a few public appearances. The most well known, definitely his acceptance speech to the NBA Hall of Fame, where he picked on some former players and basically made an argument that he was the best ever. I don't think anyone can make an argument against it (not even you Lebron fans, and especially not you Kobe fans).

If you ask me, MJ has earned it! He is getting a lot of criticism from fans and former players for his lifestyle shift, not unexpected. However, when you are MJ, and you have given NBA fans the career you did, you can do what you want.

The entertainment he has provided, the lucrative deals he has been involved in, and the 6 (count em...6) NBA championships he accumulated over his career is more than enough to justify giving him the next 30 or so years to just, well, do whatever he does. More power to you MJ, hope to see more pics like this in the future!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, how disappointing. Hopefully he is just going through the post-divorce crazy period and gets it out of his system soon. He's always been such a classy guy.

    Of course, he has the right to do whatever he wants - not because he can dribble a ball, but because we all have the right to behave stupidly if that's how we want to run our lives. Too bad for his children. He may be a big deal in the world of sports, but he's a man and a father first whether or not he chooses to recognize it.
