Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Hate crimes...against a sports team?

You are a Cowboys fan, but everytime Tony Romo does so much as sneeze you hear from every friend you have about what a tool he is. The Yankees drop a regular season game to the Royals two days after clinching the AL East with Jeter and Arod resting on the bench, and you get a phone call about how they have no chance in the playoffs this year.

What is it about some teams that people just plain hate? The fact is, this is a rare occurence and only happens with a few teams in all of sports. There are rivalries and perhaps some heat between teams, but I would argue that there are four specifc squads across the four major sports that people either love or hate. There is no grey area.

That first team is the Dallas Cowboys. Roger Staubach, Troy Aikmen, Emmit Smith and a long list of other Hall of Famers that helped to shape this game called themselves Cowboys. They are nicknamed "America's Team", but are despised by the majority of NFL fans. Looked at as one of the most successful teams in history makes them a perfect target for ridicule and criticism. If you are a Cowboys fan, you have had the luxury of enjoying winning many times. If not, you have enjoyed laughing in the face of Dallas fans just as much.

Second, we go to the NBA. Everyone loved Michael Jordan. Everyone loved Magic Johnson and Larry Bird. However, Kobe Bryant is hated in most areas of the country, and it is a bi-product of being a part of the Los Angeles Lakers. The Boston Celtics have won more championships, and the Bulls were a more dominant force in Jordan days than any other team in history. But the L.A. Lakers, perhaps as a product of constant celebrity and wealthy appeal, are the most hated team in the league year after year. Their success will continue for a long time, as will the spite from Clippers fans everywhere (all 12 of them).

Next we move to the NHL, and when you thing fighting and sheer dislike, you think the Detroit Red Wings. I watch hockey once every decade or so, but when I do happen to watch a game it is the Stanley Cup. The Red Wings are usually somewhere near, and I along with many others, cheer against them as if we in America actually care about hockey.

Finally I saved the best for last. When you think history across all sports, the team the epitomizes greatness and has more championships than any team in any sport, you think The New York Yankees. Now I capitalize the word "The" before their name because, well, they are that good and they deserve it. Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Mickey Mantle, Ted Williams, Reggi Jackson, Derek Jeter, Alex Rodriguez. I just named seven names off the top of my head that spans approximately 80 years worth of baseball, and in 100 years form now every name will be known by a fan. The rivalry with the Red Sox is one of the best in sports. Babe Ruth is the best player baseball has ever known. And George Steibrenner is the best known owner in sports. The Yankees are hated in all parts of the world, but the fans that have been there and can truly stand by their team, have been subjected to more greatness than any true fans around.

So next time one of these teams comes on the television, think about this article and ask yourself why you hate them so much...

Then forget about that, down a beer, and continue to boo them for no reason whatsoever!

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