Thursday, October 15, 2009

Greatest Sports Movies...and some thoughts

Today I conducted a unique social experiment. I was sitting at work thinking about my weekend, and about the possibility of perhaps renting a classic sports movie to get my creative juices flowing for the blog. When it comes to classic sports movies, I enjoy them all. However, two movies stand high above the rest, and those movies are Field of Dreams and Rudy.

Now I am not going to dive into why I believe these are superior to all the others, but rather share a few insights I received when I posted my plan on my Facebook page.

Before I share the response I received, as it was both heated and long, another comment within my office struck a chord. The woman that sits behind me commented on the irony that sports movies plays within men. The fact that men struggle to remember what their kid's first word was, but when asked, could recite the full Crash Davis belief system from Bull Durham. (I believe in the soul...the small of a woman's back, the hanging curveball, high fiber, good scotch...I just recited that from pure memory, swear on my life!) This seems backwards to most, but makes perfect sense in my mind. "Dada" or "Mama", it'll most likely be one of the two. To me it is much more of an accomplishment to be able to quote Kevin Costner in one of the best baseball films of all time. Moving on...

This then got me reflecting back on when I announced my engagement. I posted, what I thought was, "big news" on that same Facebook page and received what I thought was a healthy response of about six or seven comments of congratulations across a couple days. Very nice of my friends to take such interest.

Today my exact posting read "Was just thinking about the best sports movies of all time. My favorite is definitely Field of Dreams. Rudy with a close second. Thoughts?" I received 40+ responses in a matter of one hour! Not sure what to read into that, but my conclusion was that this is finally proof that sports are more influential than even the sanctity of marriage.

So below I included the responses to my comment that seemed to get so many of my friends thinking. Make sure to read to the bottom to find the final tally on what the best sports movie is according to my poll.
Without further ado, agree or are the responses I received today...

JB: F both of those movies....Kingpin...not even close.
RH: Caddyshack, and yes golf is a sport.
JB: The Wrestler???
DM: Karate Kid, if golf is a sport. "To beat LaRusso, you must sweep the leg"
BB: Major League
JB: The Natural?
JG: Major League! Come on Rick "Wild Thing" Vaughn!!!
TD: Major League, Little Big League, Remember the Titans, Blue Chips, and last but not least Tin Cup...shit what am I saying I love everyone's suggestions there isn't a wrong answer to this question
JG: DM likes A League of Their Own! "There's no crying in baseball"
CD: What about the Rocky movies? Rocky IV was my favorite.
AR: Helllooooo???? Angels in the Outfield? Where are your heads at people??
BM: Any Given Sunday...and Million Dollar Baby
JS: Remember the Titans, Fearless
MS: I have to go with Wildcats (Goldie Hawn & Wesley Snipes). "U G L Y and you ain't got no alibi, you UGLY"
AR: ok but seriously, I'd go with Rudy or Invincible...If your scalp doesn't tingle when you watch those movies, check your pulse
CD: oh man Bull Durham!
TD: Wildcats great call
MR: Varsity Blues and Longest Yard
MC: little giants is the greatest movie ever
BM: Bad News Bears... classic
MM: How did "Miracle" not get on this list yet?
WM: Over The Top!! nuff said

So after tallying up all the votes, the best sports movie ever made is (drumroll please...................)


1 comment:

  1. Hey, how about For Love of the Game. Not the predictable love story portion, but the insight into the passion that this pitcher has for the game. It's not about the money, women, celebrity status. It's about the game!
